Students at Erindale College study courses accredited by the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS). Students may be issued the following qualifications and statements.
- ACT Senior Secondary Certificate and Record of Achievement
- Tertiary Entrance Statement
- Statement of Achievement
- VET Certificates and Statements of Attainment
Further information about these qualifications can be found on the BSSS website - ACT Qualifications
- As a result of the Review of Certification in 2014, there are significant changes in the naming of credentials in 2015.
- A testamur named the "Australian Capital Territory Senior Secondary Certificate" will be introduced and will sit side by side with;
- A record of results named the "Australian Capital Territory Senior Secondary Record of Achievement" (previously called the ACT Year 12 Certificate)
- The name of the Tertiary Entrance Statement will remain unchanged.
- A record of results named the "Australian Capital Territory Statement of Achievement" (previously called the Australian Capital Territory Secondary College Record") will be issued to students who do not qualify for a certificate.